By: Amy Gijsbers Van Wijk, Brandie N. Carie, Lia Romeo
Directed by: Leighza Walker, Lubaina Latin, Liam Gabel, Dana Bowman
May 24-June24 2021 @ Online
Mildred's Umbrella Theater Company continues their digital 2021-2022 season with the fourth installment of our reading series, FEMFEST HOUSTON, a series that focuses on new plays by women. This round will be VIRUS EDITION.. with 3 new plays by women that were inspired by the Pandemic.
"This pandemic has changed how we move through the world. Just like anything in history, the hard things inspire art." Says Artistic Director, Jennifer Decker, "We thought some of these stories needed to be shared."
Cast: Courtney Pomelo, Jasmine Thomas, Rhett Martinez, Carl Masterson, Tek Wilson, Jeana Magellan, Andrea Torres, Milo Michel, Clarity Welch, Cristina Pitter, Rebecca Mwase, Dare Campbell, Jax Jackson
Designers: -
Video Editing: Grey Starboard, Joseph Amide, Catherine Denniston